My Projects

Compleat OrderUp

Compleat OrderUp was a project designed to replace the commonly used order buzzers. These buzzers are often stolen, damaged, or lost, creating a need for an innovative, and simple to use system. Compleat OrderUp utilised a third party API, where the restaurant could enter a customers phone number, collected at purchase, to inform the customer their food is ready.

Click here for the Github Page

NEAT Artificial Intelligence

An interest in Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning led to me create an AI utilising the NEAT algorithm, designing an AI to play the game "Flappy bird".

Console Output of AI

2D Particle Simulation

I created a small scale physics simulation, utilising Newtonian gravity, in which particles are randomly generated, and will attract to eachother. This allows larger objects to form, with greater gravity.

Physics Simulation

Programs for Gaming Communities

These 2 programs were created with the intention of assisting staff members on gaming communities, by tracking the player made reports they have resolved.

Program 1 Program 2